Auxiliary Power Units (APUs)
Auxiliary Power Units (APUs)

3rd Generation TriPac® APU
The 3rd generation TriPac diesel APU provides the same comfort and performance. Now includes industry-leading TracKing® Telematics and new emission reduction technology.

We're proud to introduce a clean, reliable all-electric auxiliary power unit (APU) that not only...
"Long Haul Trucking has always worked to make sure our drivers have the comforts of home, at least as many as we can get in a truck, which is why we choose TriPac units for our trucks."
- Jason Michels, Long Haul Trucking Vice President
Efficient Airflow in the Sleeper Area Means Driver Comfort
Why do you need an APU?
Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) offer increased driver comfort, greater fuel savings, better driver recruitment/retention, idle reduction, lowered maintenance costs and higher tractor residual values. Thermo King is the global APU leader and offers the choice of the diesel TriPac® Evolution or the all-electric TriPac® EnvidiaTM. One is sure to be the right choice for your business!
of drivers are more satisfied when operating a truck with an APU.
of tractor downtime is attributed to emissions systems maintenance.
reduction of fuel used during idling.
Efficient Airflow in the Sleeper Area Means Driver Comfort
Which APU is right for you?
Score 2 or 3?
The industry-leading diesel APU is the best choice for your business.

Score 2 or 3?
The industry-leading diesel APU is the best choice for your business.
2000-Hour Maintenance Interval
TriPac Evolution was designed with an unequaled 2000-hour maintenance interval, allowing maintenance to be performed every other time that maintenance is performed on the tractor, saving time and eliminating additional downtime for APU maintenance.